Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays!!!
Christmas is a busy time for everyone and this year was no exception. We took Courtney to Niles for Christmas with my parents and to Saline for Mass on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day was spent at Kyle and Sam's. The Detrisac Family Christmas followed on the 27th.
Courtney had a wonderful 1st Christmas and was spoiled with lots of fun toys and clothes among other things. Here's some snapshots from the festivities.
We hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas!


Courtney had been running a slight fever and was excessively crabby for a couple of days. I figured it was due to her teething since the bottom two had popped up, but I wasn't sure.
So, I took her to the Pediatrician Christmas Eve for a quick check up. She's a whopping 18 lbs. Health wise: she had an ear infection. The friendly doc gave us some medication and I think Court is on the up and up. Merry Christmas to child has finally stopped screaming at me, thanks Dr. Haller!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cute Pics Around the House

Just chillin on the sofa, what are you doing?

Betty Crocker in Training

Making Sugar Cookies with Mom

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Heffelbower Christmas

The Heffelbower Christmas Party was Saturday. The weather was dicey but everyone made it safe and sound. The day was filled with great games and great food. Good times were had by all.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Movin and Groovin

I put Courtney to bed last night in her sleep positioner.
Note: The head goes next to the blue lamb on the pad. The baby lays on the pad with 2 pads on each side keeping them in place.
I went in to check on her after she'd been silent for an hr. This is scene I walked in on....
She had wiggled herself out of the positioner, sideways in the crib and was playing with the Panda in her bed.
Was there a full moon last night????


Friday I took Courtney in for a little checkup.
Diagnosis: Happy, Healthy and a little Porker. She weighed in at a hefty 17 lbs with some change.

Visit to Tonyas

I took Courtney to visit Tonya and her son Koen. We had some fun and dressed the kids up for holiday candids :)

Look at those legs!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Sunday we had Courtney Baptised at the Farmington United Methodist Church. It was a beautiful service and Courtney did so well. Not a peep, other than the typical grunting.
My brother and sister served as her Godparents and they were so helpful in getting ready for the brunch afterwards along with Kyle and Sam.
Without everyone's help, it wouldn't have been such a great party! Thanks Everybody!!!

My mom made Courtney's Baptismal Gown and Cape out of my wedding dress. It was absolutely beautiful! Thanks Mom, you are one talented woman!!!

My Little Elf

Friday we put up our Christmas Tree. I put her in one of her Christmas outfits to get in the spirit. Doesn't she look like a little elf?
Mommas little helper :)

Happy Thanksgiving

Courtney, Jason and I went to G'ma and G'pas for Turkey Day. She got all dressed up in a holiday outfit and even put on her fancy shoes :)
It was great to see everyone!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Princess Coutney

Officially seated on her throne with Jason and me as her jesters.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend at Nanna and Papas

This past weekend Jason went to Penn State for the MSU game. We were all quite sad about the loss but Courtney and I made the most of the weekend with a trip to visit Nanna and Papa. We arrived Thurs and woke up Fri to about a foot of snow. It was just beautiful! We spent the weekend putting up trees and decorating them. My G'ma even came into town and got to spend some time with her.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cutest thing Ever!!

She is the best gift I've ever gotten :)

My First Jeans

Go Green!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Play Group

Beaumont has a program for new mothers where they can meet once every couple of weeks and listen to speakers relating to what we may be going through. It's nice because they group the children together so they are close in age and it's a great opportunity for them to play together. Courtney was very friendly, of course :)

I'm Exhausted!

Monday, November 10, 2008

All Smiles

First Snow

Well it's finally here. This white stuff that stays for months and is very very cold.

Visit with Great Grandma

Over the weekend we took Courtney to visit her Great Grandmother. She was on her best behavior and was a joy to be around. She insisted on playing with the flowers on the placemats, on great g'mas shirt and on her own outfit. After dinner, Jason put her on the table so she could enjoy the conversation and she bent over and grabbed her foot. She held onto it for the longest time. It was great fun!!