Friday, October 31, 2008

A peak into our day

After eating, the 1st thing Courtney does is go into her swing. She absolutely loves it!
There's a mirror underneath the bees which she stares into. She smiles, laughs and talks to the baby in the mirror for a good 30 min. and then takes a nap for an hr. or so.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

More cute Pics

What are they thinking....

What do you think they are thinking as they stare up at us and smile?
I am loved...
Why are these people making faces at me...
Got Milk?...
Wait till they see what's in my pants...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chunky Monkey

On 10/17, I took Courtney in for a doc appt. She had a bit of a cold. Nothing serious, just a stuffy nose and some coughing. The moral of the story is they put her on the scale and she weighed 13.4 lbs. This may not seem like a lot, but as a point of reference she's 2 mos. old and my friends 4 mo. old son weighs 14 lbs. Someone recently told me girls weigh more than boys, but I think they were just trying to make me feel better. Looks like little miss Courtney loves her food and therefore has earned the nickname Chunky Monkey!

Play Time

One of Courtney's favorite things these days is playing on her floor gym. She loves to look at the bright colors and we're teaching her how to reach the items hanging in front of her.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bathrobe Glory

Courtney put on her bathrobe after her bath, it's still a little big but how cute is she! Look at those slippers :)

Gift from Baghdad

Courtney received a momento from Uncle Pat. He sent her a bill from Baghdad. What a lucky girl to have such a cool thing in her scrapbook!
For those who don't know, Pat is my big brother from Psi Upsilon at Michigan State.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Grandma and Grandpa had some pumpkins and hay, so we put miss Courtney in her costume for some pictures. Can you tell which one isn't the real pumpkin LOL

Trip to G'ma and G'pas

Grandma and Grandpa had a fall party on Sunday. The family came and some friends to meet Courtney Lynn. She was a big hit and was very well behaved. As you can see she had on her costume and posed for a picture with the kids. At the end of the day she was so tuckered out, she feel asleep on Grandpa.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

More cute Pics

Visit to Nana and Papas

Jenny came up from Concord to visit, so she and I took Courtney to Nana and Papas for a couple of days. She and Jenny took to each other right away. Nana spoiles her rotten and Papa just adores her. She's one lucky princess.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We've started having a little play time. She seems to really enjoy bright colors.

I Love my Great Grandparents!!

Courtney spent the afternoon baking with her Grand Grandmother and Great Grandfather.

Crib Time

Courtney hasn't been sleeping in her crib, she prefers to sleep with mom. Yesterday she spent about 20 min in the afternoon just playing in there. Cross your fingers she's on her way to spending the night in her own bed.

I'm feeling Ducky