Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Courtney thinks snowball fights are hilarious. Esp if Mom is the one being hit. Press the triangle and enjoy.

Random Pics

Melissa, Madison and Courtney relaxing at Laurel Park.

Watching TV at Children's Place so Mom and Melissa could shop.

Grocery shopping in the kitchen

Lunch with Koen

Pretty princess on Valentine's Day

Playing cards with Uncle Kyle

First Snowman

Today we built Courtney's first snow man. She thinks the snow is fine and all, until she falls down in it. Then all bets are off.
Dad, Lil C and Officer Snowball

Mom, Court and Officer Snowball

Officer Snowball, may he keep us all safe!

Play Date

Last week we went to Jackie's to visit her little girl Ellie and meet up with Jenny and her lil peanut Jackie. Here's some pics of the little girls.


The girls on the couch. As you can see Courtney is the oldest and clearly the biggest.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Random Pics from Around the House

working hard - man can you believe Mom makes me shovel this drive way???

I bought her a shovel for her to use while I snow blow - too bad we haven't had much snow this winter. She uses the shovel mostly indoors on the carpet. I think it's been outside twice.

Too cute!

Whenever I straighten my hair, Courtney has to come in the bathroom and play in the sink. She just loves water - I think I have a swimmer for sure!

Welcome Colin!

My girlfriend Jenny delivered her beautiful son Colin Smitka at Beaumont Hospital. He was 10.1 lbs. Big Boy! He's just perfect and completely healthy.
Congratulations Mom and Dad - he's AWESOME.

Happy Birthday Madison

Happy Birthday to Courtney's BFF Madison Grace O'Connor!
Thanks Melissa and Ryan for having us over for a great party. We cannot believe your little girl is 1 Yr Old.

Courtney and Danny


Danny and Sara

Enjoy your cake Madison!

Madison and Jillian.