Thursday, September 23, 2010

Aunt Jenny the Babysitter

Aunt Jenny and Uncle Kerry came into town last week for the MSU/ND Game. Friday night Jenny babysat Courtney so Jason and I could go see Easy A. Here are some pictures of their evening together

Adventures in Babysitting

Early September we started watching Madison. Here are some pictures of our adventures together. First up is a group picture with Hunter DeGrand

Grandma's Hope Chest

Jason and I brought home Grandma Dietrich's Hope Chest from Erie. It needed a little tender loving care. Jason and Courtney fixed it up for me for our anniversary. It now sits in our living room in wonderful condition! Thank you to my loving husband and beautiful daughter!

Happy 2nd Birthday Courtney!

Courtney had a wonderful 2nd Birthday Party at her home on 8/28. Lots of kids came to play and everyone had a great time. Grandma made an Elmo cake and Elmo Jello Jigglers.
Courtney had a great time opening presents and gave out hugs to each of her guests afterwards, it was just adoreable! She's such a good little girl!

Detroit Zoo with Lyndsay and Brady

Hungry Hungry Hippo